This week, and at least the next couple of days up here, has been exquisite sugar weather. I got my PDA to record slightly better quality sound, I think the problem had to do with the Hz. I had the Hz at like 22,000 and changed it to 44,100 and it sounds a lot better, still not really good though.

I am on my way,

I’m goanna go the distance,

I’m on my way,

Out to a better world,

And when I find this place,

It will be my biggest joy,

But for now, things are not fun.

So I need to rise up,

Out of this marshy pit,

And embrace the world,

That I am,

For until I do not do this,

Remain entrapped I will,

In eternity of darkness,

That does not see light,

But the light has got to come,

So it can bring me out of hear,

And into better times.

And into better times.

-Aaron E-J

Now I am somewhere other than here,
Now I am somewhere where you are not,
For here, to the reader, is the location of you,
And everyone else is so far away,
It is only until we can all join together,
That you and me and everyone else,
Will be as one in here.

But for now you are there,
And we are a long ways away,
And I hope that we meet sometime so soon,
And to doubt is to make it not true.
-Aaron E-J