And orange is a fruit,
That should be eaten every day,
They have dietary fiber,
That makes stomachs feel all keen,
The vitamins found in them,
(The most prevalent is C)
Make you function at your best,
So you ace that real big test,
Potassium is high,
So I needn’t tell a lie,
They make the blood flow strong,
So you can’t prove me wrong,
Eat an orange every meal,
Even though they’re hard to peal,
And you will rarely have a cold,
But instead grow very old!
-Aaron E-J
My shuffle has just shuffled off,
And now it won’t turn on,
This is the second one that’s failed,
And it hurts me ever so,
To have to workout with no sound,
Just isn’t quite the same,
So call I will, tomorrow day,
And go and rant and rave,
Request repair I couldn’t do,
Because the website’s down,
I don’t know when this will be fixed,
But I hope it’s very soon.
-Aaron E-J
The mod’s all here,
My room’s set up,
And now just one more day,
Till classes start,
And I take heart,
In learning once again.
There’s much to do,
Papers to write,
And projects need commence,
It will be fun,
I do have one more year,
Then I go and graduate,
I’m really on my own,
I’ll start my biz,
Or get a job,
Do something making dough,
Fortune fame – luck and health,
So I can make my place,
In this realm called Earth,
I’ll make it right,
Then start on something new,
What this is,
I do not know,
But it better be as fun!
-Aaron E-J
Hampshire first years have arrived,
As they settle in,
We go great them,
Help move them here,
And all this does entail,
Great big boxes,
Four flights of stairs,
Time goes to a crawl,
But its fun to see,
These bright new faces,
Yearning to learn,
Learning to thrive,
Thriving to seek,
This knowledge and skill,
And then to apply them,
In project format,
This is their division III.
-Aaron E-J
The rain beats hard,
On this old tin roof,
As I sit and watch it fall,
When it lets up,
I do not know,
It’s supposed to go for days,
So I sit and look,
At this soggy lawn,
And go to write instead.
-Aaron E-J
Big pie,
Ask why?
Do we eat,
What taste’s sweet,
When it is somewhat bad,
To choose truffles over scad,
A small fish to be had,
At dinner with dad.
-Aaron E-J who needs to broaden his poetry repertoire
Oh geezey wheezey’s, this is like the latest greatest thing to hit the eastern seaboard since the 1970’s
-Aaron E-J
Beneath my feet are a thousand chocolate shadows,
Languid like love pedals,
But visions say –
‘lick my tongue,’
Picture friends under sweet lather,
Bare and sordid but fluffy.
-By someone in my apartment
“I am here,” she said, and I heard her and went. I was there and then I was we and we were one. Now there is this search for the we that once was, and this one will be two until found or create. It may be long on this path, but this path should be fun, and so as I wind throughout time, creating what seen should be done, I carefully think and then before act, I way all my options and choose what is fit.
-Aaron E-J
As I sit here,
On this Tuesday night,
And try to clear my mind,
Of all that’s bad in the world I know,
And think good thoughts out loud,
But now and then my mind does wonder,
What good does really mean,
For I do decide to reason,
That my bad is only mine,
That someone else might think these things,
And see them differently,
This light that is in all of us,
Is just a single ray,
And we need to join together now,
To get the pure spectrum,
Each person brings in some new light,
And I hope that mine gets seen.
– Aaron E-J