The wizard of old,
And the children of new,
The people of middle,
And the beings of hope,
Will be joining together,
One day oh so soon,
To fend off the those,
Who see fate as a fact,
That see a straight line,
In the future to come,
When they know that the outlook is fogy at best,
And that this is what gives life,
The challenge and fun,
Of making your way in this world.
-Aaron E-J
dreaming of being engulfed in a sea of raspberries and being saved by a turtle who hires a crew of paper men (men made out of paper) to solidify the berries into jelly and then to create a pyramid of glockenspiels which are played by a harmonious group of Robinhoods marry men
Dreaming of encephalitis cured by two teaspoons of ham powdered nut cakes
The speaker spoke,
And the crowd awoke,
To the comments said by him,
His words were poignant,
Proud and gay,
So when he drew to close,
The crowd roared loud
The crowd roared long,
So much some hoarse did grow,
All for a cause none new that well,
But still they fell,
Under the spell,
Of the voice an actor sings.
-Aaron E-J
Tear drops from thick clouds
As I write haikus that suck
Damn, I must be bored
Dreaming of being chased by clocks going approximately 2.57923 millimeters per macrocosm.
After this day is done I will slowly make my way to the horizontal surface identified as my bed and go into a sort of state some might refer to as sleep. When in this state, I will be dreaming of lollypops grown wild with an inner hunger to force feed little rabbits garbanzo beans rapped in cold outer leaves of cabbages.
Dreaming of the ultimate tennis match played by minuscule monetary units in an increasingly futile competition.
I headed off to my Acting one class. There we worked on finding the dramatic self – the good verses evil in all of us. The majority of the class was spent with the professor telling us a story where we were walking in the woods. It first started out marry, with me walking in a familiar woods. I envisioned that I was walking in the MDC woods in New Hartford. I envisioned that the essence of my perfect friend had appeared beside me and that we were in almost ecstasy. It then began to rain, and the woods soon became unfamiliar and daunting. We huddled close together in fear that we would loose each other, and crawled threw the sodden copse, the trees growing ever closer. Suddenly there came a rustling in the brush nearby. Some large animal was out there. We stood still for a while, then, the beast not wandering off; we decided to see whether we could call it off. It did not appear to work at first, but then the fiend slowly became more and more faint. Then they, the fiends who wanted only for us to be in utter misery descended upon my friend. We struggled, but in vain. Slowly, in utter remorse as to the joy that could have been, I wept and felt the life blood slipping faintly away. Time passed, and it did come to pass that, one warm spring I felt a faint twinge of feeling somewhere deep in memory past, of a time when all was well, and friends and loved ones abounded much. Slowly this feeling swept over me, and finally I had a new sense of resolve that live must carry on, and that want once was, may still be, all that is needed is perseverance. The class then went back to the present tense and we discussed what we had field during the adventure. Then class ended and I lost my hat. Hopefully I can find it next Wednesday.
-Aaron E-J
Some where,
Some way,
Some how,
Some day,
We will all join together,
I Know.
But there is learning we must do,
For knowledge is the key,
In finding what we seek,
And I know it is not is not easy,
When we are all alone,
But for us to persevere,
We need to find some friends,
–This is the hardest task by far.
-Aaron E-J