“Don’t let the sound,
Of your own wheels,
Drive you crazy,
Lighten up while you still can,
Don’t even try to understand,
Just find a place to make your stand,
And take it easy”
-from killer8524’s away message

In the year 1000004 AD (after ducks) there will be much rejoicing, for on a day in this year there will come a time and a place in which something will happen. We all await this day with mediocrity so extreme that one third of all garlic plants will flower profusely thus making rise for a much needed rest on my behalf.

Given that “The Year 1000004” is so long off, is it not true that this statement is about as predicted as just about anything else? Shold we not place information on the same merit as people in that we place it as true until proven untrue? For if we do not think out side the box, than will we ever know what lies beyond its walls?
-Aaron E-J

The Problem, Itself, is the Solution

          Fighting, not exhaustion, but that feeling you get at the end of a week spent half learning and half doing monotonous tasks that are somehow necessary; I now write. It is interesting how my writing is better when I am in this state of unalertness. Not that my current words are coming out in the best fluidity, but the fact remains that I have a hugely improved vocabulary in these instances. So thus, with little else to do, writing is the most productive thing I can. Today I do not have a topic, and this leads to a problem, and, in this instance, a problem will be my topic. There are many problems, and many solutions – which of the two there are more I remain unsure and it is with much sureness that I remain, soundly, unsure. There are also many types of problems. The fact that I do not have huge amounts of energy to do huge amounts of things is a problem. Caffeine is a solution but should not be used before bed time or you will need more of it the next day, spiraling into a never ending cycle that can only be solved by becoming immune to that causes it. Then there is always the Who, What, When, Where and How although Why I have no idea. There are no solutions to these types of questions save those asked by the one who is to answer them. If anyone else tries, you’re sure to get a less than adequate response. Finally 2 to the X squared = 5.
-Aaron E-J

The One Night Adventure

          As he made his way to the subway that would take him home to his small apartment in the Boston suburbs, he realized that his watch was slow. Looking up at the clock on the wall overhead he saw he was going to miss it. Swearing under his breath he dashed down a flight of stairs to see the doors just closing. By the time he had gotten down to the terminal, it was a blur.
          Again, almost audible but for the noise of the station, he let out some poignant expletives and headed back up the stairs. He would have been fine to wait another half hour for the next ticket home, but he had a date scheduled with Sandy Wenterworst, a powerful business woman like himself with even more powerful looks. Almost forgetting where he was going as he thought of her dark blond hair and perfect face, he finally made it to the street outside. A mist out side that was toying with the idea of full fledged rain greeted the man, and seemed to return him to his task at hand, namely finding a taxi. Donning a rain hat and waving pointlessly to the non-commercial vehicles whizzing by he, cursed for the third time. Finally, as if three times was the charm a yellow car approached.
          Upon having entered the cab he finally had a look at the driver. It was an inch worm.
          “Where to, old chap?”
-Aaron E-J

Eating lunch
Working on bike,
Taking out a digital video camera for shooting of the movie “Darin college”
Eating dinner
Lab monitoring in the media basement,
Working on website
Going to bed and dreaming of the clockwork orange being updated to an atomic clock and then being pealed and eaten.

Lab monitoring in the 3rd floor computer lab
Buying the domain: http://www.otherrealm.org
Setting it up,
Working on the Darin college movie,
Getting a quick bite to eat,
Going to the “Excalibur Game Night” which now happens every Tuesday
Going to bed and dreaming of rocket ships shooting off into the lower stratosphere on a voyage to land unknown and places seen by few to be extravagantly colored and smelling like burnt plastic cups masked by aerosol spray.
Getting up,
Eating breakfast,
Lab monitoring in the 3rd floor computer lab
Eating dinner
Lab monitoring in the media basement
Working on my website
Going to bed and dreaming of quickly moving objects going backwards.

I headed off to my Acting one class. There we worked on finding the dramatic self – the good verses evil in all of us. The majority of the class was spent with the professor telling us a story where we were walking in the woods. It first started out marry, with me walking in a familiar woods. I envisioned that I was walking in the MDC woods in New Hartford. I envisioned that the essence of my perfect friend had appeared beside me and that we were in almost ecstasy. It then began to rain, and the woods soon became unfamiliar and daunting. We huddled close together in fear that we would loose each other, and crawled threw the sodden copse, the trees growing ever closer. Suddenly there came a rustling in the brush nearby. Some large animal was out there. We stood still for a while, then, the beast not wandering off; we decided to see whether we could call it off. It did not appear to work at first, but then the fiend slowly became more and more faint. Then they, the fiends who wanted only for us to be in utter misery descended upon my friend. We struggled, but in vain. Slowly, in utter remorse as to the joy that could have been, I wept and felt the life blood slipping faintly away. Time passed, and it did come to pass that, one warm spring I felt a faint twinge of feeling somewhere deep in memory past, of a time when all was well, and friends and loved ones abounded much. Slowly this feeling swept over me, and finally I had a new sense of resolve that live must carry on, and that want once was, may still be, all that is needed is perseverance. The class then went back to the present tense and we discussed what we had field during the adventure. Then class ended and I lost my hat. Hopefully I can find it next Wednesday.
-Aaron E-J